
J. 沃伦Robicheaux照片
J. 沃伦Robicheaux


沃伦Robicheaux, MHA, FACHE

Warren serves as 首席执行官 (CEO) for the Matagorda County 区医院 and provides executive leadership for all district asset initiatives.

在2018年加入该地区之前, Warren served in senior administration and CEO roles at several facilities in the East 德州 Medical Center Regional 健康care System (ETMC). His list of accomplishments ranges from building replacement hospitals and establishing new service lines to leading award-winning quality programs.

Warren has over a decade of experience in healthcare and is board certified in healthcare management (FACHE). He earned a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science and a Master of 健康care 政府 from 德州 A&德克萨斯州大学城的M大学.


布莱恩·L. Prochnow照片
布莱恩·L. Prochnow


布莱恩·L. Prochnow, MBA

Bryan manages the financial performance and provides operational and pragmatic support for the Matagorda County 区医院.

Since joining the district in 2000 he has successfully secured financing for the new 马塔戈达地区医疗中心 hospital campus, 多曼弗里曼飞利浦医疗办公大楼, 以及det365手机版健康和康复中心. Bryan is also a recipient of the CFO of the Year award from Quorum 健康 Resources.

Bryan在急症护理医院有超过30年的经验, and his experience ranges from Controller at large hospitals to 首席财务官 at both investor-owned and non-profit facilities. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Business 政府 with a specialization in Accounting from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, 以及克莱顿大学的工商管理硕士学位.




特里L. 考克斯,RHIA, CHC

Terri领导认证, legal and regulatory compliance operations for the Matagorda County 区医院.

Terri has over 35 years of experience in healthcare administration and management, and has successfully led her organizations through multiple 联合委员会 and CMS surveys.

在1988年加入医院区之前, Terri served as the Director of 健康 信息 Management at Memorial Medical Center in Port Lavaca, 德州.

Terri earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 健康 信息 Management from the University of 德州 Medical Branch in Galveston. She is certified in health compliance (CHC) and is a Registered 健康 信息 Administrator (RHIA) with the American 健康 信息 Management Association.





Tina is a life-long resident of Matagorda County and has served the Matagorda County 区医院 for over 20 years. Tina is a graduate of 德州 Tech University 健康 Sciences Center and is a Certified Perioperative Nurse. Her impressive background includes over 30 years of nursing and surgical services leadership.

在担任临时职务近一年后, 2021年7月,det365手机版很高兴地欢迎Tina成为det365手机版的首席运营官.





Tiffany leads fundraising efforts for the Matagorda County 区医院 in her role as det365手机版执行董事. The Foundation is the philanthropic arm of det365手机版 committed to building community relationships and obtaining funding to support det365手机版 in delivering quality and compassionate healthcare.

作为马塔戈达县的本地人, Tiffany takes pride in giving back to the community through her community relations and fundraising role. She also assists with hospital district marketing and other outreach efforts.

蒂芙尼就读于萨姆休斯顿州立大学,主修社会工作, 在过去的20多年里,他在该地区担任过许多职务. 她的职业生涯始于det365手机版,担任首席执行官的行政助理, and then served as the Patient Advocate and Community Relations Manager before moving full-time to the Foundation Executive Director position in 2014.





Renee leads ancillary service operations for the Matagorda County 区医院. 她也是健康 Matagorda County Inc .的联合主席.这是一个致力于促进社区健康的组织. Renee attended Wharton County Junior College where she obtained an Associate’s Degree in Nursing, and has nearly 40 years of medical and healthcare administration experience.

Renee has been with the hospital district since 1979 when she began her career as a Pharmacy Technician. She moved to Emergency Services and Critical Care as a Registered Nurse in 1983, and enjoyed a distinguished career that ultimately led to her current role in 2010.

蕾妮在拨款申请中发挥了重要作用, 业务规划, 和建筑项目管理,产生了新的det365手机版健康 & 康复中心. Together with her wellness crew, the team actively promotes wellness in our community.





凡妮莎领导人力资源政策的实施, procedures and employee relations for the Matagorda County 区医院. 她还关注员工招聘、敬业度和福利.

凡妮莎在南加州出生和长大. 她是海军老兵(横须贺), 日本),并获得了海军和海军陆战队成就奖章. She moved to Bay City in 2013 and joined MCHD as an HR Generalist in 2017 before accepting her current position in 2022.

Vanessa received her MBA in Human Resources Management from the University of Houston Victoria.
